Informed Eating Program
Intuitive Eating + Nutrition Science
Bridging the gap between intuitive eating and nutrition science so you can manage your weight without dieting or tracking.

Informed Eating is a nutrition and wellness coaching program that removes the anxiety and obsession of tracking when it comes to managing your weight. It uses a phased approach to help you transition off of macro counting into healthy eating habits that respect your personal preferences.⁠

Step #1: Contact Information
Full Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Step #2: Billing Address
Street Address:
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Zip Code / Postal Code:

Informed Eating Program

Bridging the gap between intuitive eating and nutrition science so you can manage your weight without dieting or tracking.

Informed Eating is a nutrition and wellness coaching program that removes the anxiety and obsession of tracking when it comes to managing your weight. It uses a phased approach to help you transition off of macro counting into healthy eating habits that respect your personal preferences.⁠
Step #3: Check out
$299 a month for 3 months
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
Dynamically Updated
We now accept
HSA & FSA payments.
for more details.

Secure Payment

All orders are through a very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy...

We've Got Your Back

We're GDPR-compliant, meaning your payment information is safe, secure, and encrypted.  We fiercely protect your privacy.
Disclaimer: Adele Frizzell LLC are not medical professionals. The information shared with you is not medical advice and in no way substitutes for the care and advice of your doctor.

Refund: A full refund is permitted up to 7 days after the initial date of purchase, less a $150 administration fee. After 7 days, no refunds will be provided for any portion of your payment, either in full or in part.
100% Secure: We will not share or sell your information to anybody.